Aug 2020- October 2022

In August of 2020, Georgia Tech’s Black Alumni Organization recognized the challenges that Black students face as minorities at Georgia Tech and requested that actions be taken to improve educational access and success for Black Students.
Such a program was essential to fostering Black students’ sense of belonging, as well as contribute in notable ways to retention and graduation through array of programs and services. Conversations about establishing such a center continued throughout 2021; a full assessment and resulting report produced by a team of external consultants was endorsed by our Black Student Organizations and student leaders.

October 2022- April 2023

The Black Culture Center Planning Committee convened for regular meetings starting in December of 2021 and submitted a formal proposal to the President’s office in October of 2022. President Ángel Cabrera then announced the establishment of Black Culture, Innovation and Technology in April of 2023.

September 15 2023

BCIT opens its doors

March 2024

Inaugural director Meligha Garfield starts